Friday, 11 November 2016

1950's Child of the Damned

Their parents fought the war, they messed up the peace
Its the generation who were children in the 1950's who have a large share of the blame for the worlds ills at the moment.

Now they sit with the cumulative cash in the bank, comfortably better of than their parents who lived and fought in the war.

They sat in the sixties and protested about everything, introduced every community to the scourge of "recreational" drugs.

They moaned their way through the 70's inflicting recession on everyone on a massive scale.

They have never lived through hardship or squalor, and gave us in the 80's the selfish me first mentality of the Thatcher era, as they stuffed ever more cash in their pockets at the expense of the poor and weak and vulnerable.

In the 90's they watched communities fracture, introduced the internet to everyone, with porn available to every child in the land. They set up the "establishment" which they now decry and say "Needs shaking up". They proliferated nuclear bombs around the world, they poisoned the air we breathe, the water we drink and brought endless animals to extinction.

They then set themselves up as the bastions of the people and lash out at the "establishment" inflicting Trump on America, Brexit on the UK and the EU, smash and grab, opinionated with no idea what may replace their completely stupid analogy of the world. They unleash again the hate filled racism, bigotry, homophobia, violence, crime on an unprecedented basis.

Then they think they are doing everyone a favour.

I suppose there are unforeseen consequences of people living longer.

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