Friday 11 November 2016

1950's Child of the Damned

Their parents fought the war, they messed up the peace
Its the generation who were children in the 1950's who have a large share of the blame for the worlds ills at the moment.

Now they sit with the cumulative cash in the bank, comfortably better of than their parents who lived and fought in the war.

They sat in the sixties and protested about everything, introduced every community to the scourge of "recreational" drugs.

They moaned their way through the 70's inflicting recession on everyone on a massive scale.

They have never lived through hardship or squalor, and gave us in the 80's the selfish me first mentality of the Thatcher era, as they stuffed ever more cash in their pockets at the expense of the poor and weak and vulnerable.

In the 90's they watched communities fracture, introduced the internet to everyone, with porn available to every child in the land. They set up the "establishment" which they now decry and say "Needs shaking up". They proliferated nuclear bombs around the world, they poisoned the air we breathe, the water we drink and brought endless animals to extinction.

They then set themselves up as the bastions of the people and lash out at the "establishment" inflicting Trump on America, Brexit on the UK and the EU, smash and grab, opinionated with no idea what may replace their completely stupid analogy of the world. They unleash again the hate filled racism, bigotry, homophobia, violence, crime on an unprecedented basis.

Then they think they are doing everyone a favour.

I suppose there are unforeseen consequences of people living longer.

Thursday 10 November 2016

Trump and all the Trumpians - What do they fear most?

The ordinary people are routinely ignored by politicians.

They Listen, then completely do what they wanted to do "In the national interest" without any further reference to the people they suppose to represent.

Sound familiar?.......its the way politics is done in the modern world all over.

What they fear is an informed electorate, one that can scrutinise, ask questions, see through the spin and the hyperbole of "political speak".

Now in the modern age we have all this analysis every day, we are the most informed electorate in history, so what is going wrong?

Simple its the sloth like Apathy, of those who believe they understand whats going on in the world, from behind a screen, fed a diet of news so vast its impossible to take it all in. Politics becomes a blizzard or soundbites, tweets, and false outrage on every subject going.

Its the little boy who cries wolf, we hear of "crazy" "outrageous" "unbelievable" "Fantastic" a hundred times every morning, we choose to read the articles that feed our own view on life to re assert our own belief that we are right, we get caught up in the maelstrom of tweets podcasts blogs speeches news items newspaper comments news programs........and it all becomes somehow unreal, distant.

It seems its not happening to me, somehow away from my community and the people I know. Slowly 24 hour news has pushed us away from the communities we live in. Feeding Apathy

When the steel works closes, it is part of the maelstrom for a few days and few weeks if you are lucky, then it is gone. Feeding Apathy

Yet in the homes of that community a festering resentment of a world that does no longer care or know about them breeds the need to search for someone to blame. Farage and Trump know this and feed them all they need to get them to kick back at the system, to get revenge. They through the press and media drip drip the poison of blaming others for the world ills. Only they can fix the problem, only they can "Drain the swamp"

ANYONE who does not agree with them is a "Traitor" to the country, part of the conspiracy. Anyone who finds themselves wanting to kick the establishment are suckered into these promises of change, is part of the peoples army taking back control. However its never taking back control its always handing control to another power block, who will always treat the people with the same contempt as before, but with the added value of coast to coast hate and prejudice, alive out of the box and violence erupting on the streets.

Trump will feed the Monster, why because while he is getting what he wants from the deal, power and influence and a massive ego trip and huge amounts of cash, he has to keep his faux allies on side. All politicians know that their careers will end in tears, so he will get out in good time, but not before he has created divisions that will take generations to heal.

So it is activists who win arguments, activists who shape events, activists who get into the community and hear real people not just media opinions. It is only activists who can get off their arses and stop the rise of people like Trump and Farage.

If you are not an activist, then you just have to stop moaning about the world. Start writing letters, asking questions, digging deeper, challenging opinions, dont let politics happen to you. Get informed, join groups, challenge the executive from a position of power, know how politics gets into your life and make a difference.

Shocked? you shouldn't be

There is an old saying, for evil to triumph it takes good men to do nothing.

Ask yourself what did you do to shape the world around you recently or are you one of the billions of people who just assume it is someone else who will do things, who will protest who will challenge.

We have become a nation of "Political Slobs" moaning about things from the comfort of our armchairs.

Politics has become something that happens "TO US" no longer something we shape, the activist has become something to moan about, ridicule, dismiss. Ordinary people have forgotten that politics actually means something and has the potential to turn our safe "armchair" world upside down.

Life after the 8th November will never be the same again, and ordinary shocked people are who let it happen.

We know that behind closed doors many people hate feminists, the LGBT Community, Women, Muslims, Foreigners, Difference in any form. Trump and Farage have opened up this "Pandora's box" with one purpose, to use the amalgam these prejudices to gain power, and ordinary people who do not hold these prejudices, are letting it happen.

Apathy is a cancer, and we all now have the cancer of prejudice in our lives, because of this apathy.

When next you look at the news and moan, remember you are the reason the world is they way it is, not some other people. Remember your vote IS important, its not about the politician being labelled "Grey" or cannot eat a "Bacon Sandwich", its about your life your world.

The only way to fight this new "Back to the 30's" world is to do something, get up for once and actually make a difference...................before more politics is done to you!